Year 2 Home Learning Packs
Week 7
- What is Climate Change Powerpoint
- Rainforests rope bridge KS1 exploration sheet colour
- Rainforests rope bridge KS1 exploration sheet
- Rainforests river boat KS1 exploration sheet colour
- Rainforests river boat KS1 exploration sheet
- Rainforests monkey KS1 exploration sheet colour
- Rainforests monkey KS1 exploration sheet
- Rainforests forest path KS1 exploration sheet
- Rainforests KS1 topic web
- Rainforests flower KS1 exploration sheet
- Rainforests forest path KS1 exploration sheet colour
- Rainforests KS1 topic web
- Rainforests differentiated reading comprehension activity
- Layers of the rainforest powerpoint
- In the rainforest descriptive word mat
- Imagine Rainforests Photo Pack
Week 6 - 6th July
- Plastic Pollution PowerPoint
- Plastic Pollution Activity
- Go-Jetters Continent of South America-Powerpoint
- Blank plastic border
- Activity Sheet Metzinger Landscapes-Squares
- Lesson Presentation Metzinger's Colourful Landscapes
- Activity Houses in Rio
- Activity Where is Brazil
- Rio photos
- Activity What is Rio like
Week 5 - 29th June
- Water Pollution Ideas
- Part of the Party Amazing Australian Animals PowerPoint
- KS1 Australian Animals-PowerPoint
- Part of the Party Australian Animal Fact Cards
- Part of the Party Australian Animals Photo Pack
- Part of the Party Australian Animals Differentiated Fact File
- Part of the Party Amazing Australian Animals Fact File Writing Frames
- New-Zealand-PowerPoint
- AU Famous Landmarks Information Powerpoint
- Activity Sheet Building Silhouettes
Art part 1
Art part 2
Week 3 - 15th June
Frog Video
- Imagine Canada Photo Pack
- Imagine Canada KS1 Topic Web
- Canada Waterfalls KS1 Exploration Sheet Colour
- Canada Waterfalls KS1 Exploration Sheet Black and White
- Canada Totem Poles KS1 Exploration Sheet Colour
- Canada Totem Poles KS1 Exploration Sheet Black and White
- Canada Tower KS1 Exploration Sheet Black and White
- Canada Tower KS1 Exploration Sheet Colour
- Canada Parliament KS1 Exploration Sheet Black and White
- Canada Parliament KS1 Exploration Sheet Colour
- Canada Mountains KS1 Exploration Sheet Colour
- Canada Mountains KS1 Exploration Sheet Black and White
Phonics - ee and ea
2nd Half Tern - Week 1 - 1st June
- Word Search Black and White
- Weather Report Activity Sheet Editable
- Why not make your own weather report
- My Continents Mini Book
- Lesson Presentation Pop Art Portraits
- KS1 Go Jetters Continent of Africa reading comprehension
- Activity Sheet Andy Warhol Patterns
- Activity Sheet Matching Pairs
- Continents Matching Cards
- Continuous Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet
- 14 Day Science Activity Challenge
- Look cover write check practice booklet
Week 5 - 18th May
- Parts of a flower
- Label and explain the function of parts of a plant
- Label parts of a plant and parts of a tree (worksheet)
- Lesson Presentation Who Was Ibn Battuta
- Activity Sheet Ibn Battuta's Journey
- Lesson Presentation Line Drawings
- Activity Sheet Line Drawing
- Artist Fact Sheet Henri Matisse
- Fizzy Colours Awe and Wonder Science Activity
Talk for writing
Week 4 - 11th May
- The runaway iceberg differentiated reading comprehension
- Message in a Bottle
- Message in a Bottle Writing Frames
- KS1 Antarctic explorers finding the south pole powerpoint
- KS1 Using adjectives brave explorers job advert activity sheet
- KS1 Antarctic Animals Powerpoint
- Lesson Presentation Watercolour Backgrounds
- Activity Sheet Watercolour Wash
- Artist Fact Sheet Paul Klee
- Robert Falcon Scott fact file English
- Activity Sheet Tree Hunt
Week 3 - 4th May
- Christopher Columbus Significant Individual Fact Sheet
- Activity Sheet Christopher Columbus Comprehension
- Space Story Word Mat
- Space Story Writing Checklist
- Plant Experiments
- Plant Experiments
- Change the colour of a flower
- Activity Sheet In the Garden
- Portait - Half Lined - Space Page Borders
- Portait - Lined - Space Page Borders
- Activity Sheet My Abstract Portrait Facial Features
- Activity Sheet My Abstract Portrait
Spelling Game
Abstract art instructional video
Week 2 - 27th April
- Is it a question activity sheet English
- Amazing Astronauts Powerpoint
- KS1 The mystery of the astronaut phonics problem solving game English
- Write about your day as an astronaut activity sheet
- Neil Armstrong differentiated reading comprehension
- Tim Peakes space diary differentiated reading comprehension
- Artist Fact Sheet Pablo Picasso
- Activity Sheet Wild Plant Hunt
- Science knowledge organiser plants
- Design your own planet activity sheet
Week 1 - 20th April
- Writing prompts
- year 1 adjectives suffixes er and est activity
- Make Plastic Milk
- Plastic milk recording sheet
- Reading KS1 Comprehension activity dog
- suffix - er and est loop cards
- Instructions for playing Loop Cards
- Who to When
- How To Draw A Face
- Hard and Soft Materials Cut and Paste Sorting Activity
- Buzz Woody prompt
- Activity Sheet My Self-Portrait
Easter Holiday Activities
Phonics Play Username: jan21 password: home
Espresso Details in your reading record
Share a story
- The Cautious Caterpillar Subtraction up to 20 Colour by Number
- The Cautious Caterpillar Multiplication and Division Differentiated Challenge Cards
- The Cautious Caterpillar Life Cycle of a Butterfly Activity Sheets
- The Cautious Caterpillar KS1 Guided Reading
- The Cautious Caterpillar Fact Cards
- The Cautious Caterpillar Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity.
- The Cautious Caterpillar Crossword
- The Cautious Caterpillar Codys Minibeast Hotel Activity Sheet
- The Cautious Caterpillar Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity
- The Cautious Caterpillar Beautiful Butterfly Craft Instructions
- The Cautious Caterpillar Addition Facts up to 20 Maths Mosaic Activity Sheet
Telling The Time
My Maths (use your logon from your reading record)
- Year 2 Spring Maths Activity Booklet
- Year 2 Spring Maths Activity Booklet Answers.
- KS1 The Mystery at the Grand Portrait Gallery Maths Game
- sats-revision-year-2-sats-practice-worksheets-_ver_8.
- Snakes and Ladders with 2, 3 and 5 Times Tables Board Game
- Year-2-Multiplication-and-Division-Word-Problems-x2-x5-x10_ver_5
Numbots (use your TT Rockstars login details)
Wellbeing resources
- Loads of yoga videos for children with themes. Eg. Frozen, superheroes.
- Mindfulness and movement breaks, suitable for younger children
- Calming activities and resources for young people
- Young people’s mental health charity
- Free online support for young people