School Dinners
Dinner money policy
Due to supply and demand, beyond our control, menus are subject to change at short notice.
Whole fruit is available daily
Our fresh meat is supplied by Quality and Excellence Butchers, Theydon Bois
Please note that all butter and mayonnaise used in the kitchen are dairy free

Summer 2024 Lunches

Winner of the menu competition, his meatball wrap is now featured on the summer menu week 1.

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School Dinners
Children may have a school lunch, school packed lunch or bring a home packed lunch. They are able to select their options on a daily basis during registration, although we prefer if they let us know if swapping between home packed lunch and school dinners, to help when ordering. School meals can only be paid on Pay 360, school dinners are £2.30 each day. Packed lunches should be in a named container.
During the lunch time session children are carefully supervised in the playground by our team of trained midday assistants, who liaise closely with the Headteacher and staff about the children. If it is raining at lunchtime, the children are supervised in their classrooms.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch to school. This should be clearly labelled with your child's name, or order a school packed lunch. This can be enjoyed outside under the trees, in the warmer weather. We do not provide refrigeration facilities, and so we recommend the use of insulated lunch bags and ice packs, especially in the hot weather. Please try to ensure that the lunch your child brings to school is healthy and balanced, with no sweets, nuts or fizzy drinks. Drinks bottles/food containers should be unbreakable. As part of our commitment to the environment, we encourage reusable containers that keeps packaging/rubbish to a minimum. Children are allowed to bring a piece of fruit or vegetables with them, if they wish to have a snack during morning break time.
We do not dispose of rubbish/left overs at school, so that you can see what your child has eaten.
If you child does not bring a packed lunch to school, we will provide a school dinner that will require payment.
Free School Meals
Some pupils will be eligible for free school meals. Click here to find details about eligibility, and to download an application form from the Essex County Council website. We ensure that this information is discretely applied at school.
Food and Drink at other times
Children are encouraged to drink throughout the day, and may bring a bottle of water to school. Healthy snacks at break time are encouraged. Fruit is provided for children in Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) and Key Stage 1.
For some nutritional advice please use the links below.