Piercing Class
Piercing Class 2024-2025
Year 3/4
Miss Williams
The Christmas Pine





Sleigh Ride -Cup Tapping
Sleigh ride is a beautiful piece of music that is also very famous. We tap cups the horse pulling the sleigh. Sleigh ride is from Leroy Anderson. We tapped a tune with the piece of music and it went really well.
George G and Ellis
Sewing Stockings
On 26th November we started sewing stockings.And again I LOVED IT!You will need some furry red fabric ,a needle, thread and ribbon of any colour. I was doing a running stitch like last time.So these are the steps.First we sew on the white bit on the top.Then we sewed on the shapes we would have picked for it. After that we would sew all around the outside of the stocking that was so furry I could go to sleep.Then we sew a ribbon on the top(for this step you need a extra sharp Needle so it went though.I mean it wasn't` the best with my horrid sewing but I got there in the end.I'm sure you will do better than me with the steps.
Making a stocking
Making a stocking was so fun to do because you get to keep the stocking and show it to your friends before you take it home but if there is no time why not just share it with your friends.First you have to get two pieces to get started the front can have any base so you like the look of the stocking but if someone already has what you want if you have a brother or sister just make another type they might leave a tiny little bit left just for you so that would be a relief .Second you need a bit of string and a needle then get a decoration and start sewing it on to the stocking.Then next you need to get some shiny string and then start sewing round the edges of the stocking so that there is some space inside the stocking imagine there wasn't any room in the stocking it would mean that there would be less presents at Christmas morning how sad would that be if you want to write something by sewing it if the word you want is Christmas why not just write xmas instead for short but you could write it in the smiley face way that's fine.then after that you have to get some more bits and bobs ya know other stuff for the stocking so you can make your stocking look way better so that you’ve edited your stocking and improved the stocking your making so this is what you need you might need a button or a bit of some ribbon so you can attach it to your stocking like who would have a stocking in any country without a ribbon to attach it to the top of the fire top attach the ribbon then then take a picture and done.
How to make a stocking
This is how to make a stocking
1.First get some Wool.
2. Get a needle.
3. Put the wool into the little hole in the needle.
4. Get a big material of fluffy wool that look just like a stocking.
5.Next you can sow a reindeer or a snowman on to make it look very nice.
6.Then sew your white layer on the top of your stocking.
7.Finally get some shiny silver or green and the most easy bit just so through the holes.
Louie W
The forest walk
On the 17th of December piercing class went on a forest walk.
First, we got into partners and left the school. It didn't take us long before we stopped to look at Yew plants. Jesse jack door said that it is poisonous if you eat it, but it's actually apparently a medicine for cancer. Then in the forest we looked for certain leaves and looked for lichen on a stick. I found jelly fungi on it. We also meditated for a few minutes and talked about what sounds we could hear. We made our own twiggys. It was really fun and its nice to get of fresh air.
By Polly W
About forest walk.
Forest walk was amazing so we explored lots of different things and I really enjoyed it was very fun a lot about freedom forest and it was a very good experience to be see to do what Leaves to explore maple leaves and beech leaves and it was just so good and l really enjoyed Theydon Bois Forest for the first time.
We explored loads of different things and when we did we found different kinds of sticks and different kinds of leaves that exploded our compasses.
Christmas Authors-Live with Mr Dilly
When we were live with Mr Dilly we asked him our question it was what is your favourite Christmas film. Antonio said it was the snowman. He also gave us a shout out.He done a draw along it was a santa draw along. He showed us a lot of Christmas authors. Mine and Aoife’s favourite book out of all the authors was the Mutckracker which was by Anna Kemp.By Izzy
Liala Rifaat - Her book is about Egypt and a time train. The name of the book is Aliya aboard the time train. Anna Kemp her book is about a dream not coming true but they still make it work. The name of the book is the Mutkracker. Antonia . Maxwell her book is about when everything is melting when it shouldn’t. The name of the book is Terra Electrica. By Aoife
On Tuesday 2nd of December we got a shoutout from Mr Dilly’s Christmas author show there were more but our favourite was The Muttcracker because it was funny because the dog was not like all dogs and was ballerina it wished it had a purple really fuzzy sparkly dress because they were doing the muttcracker and he was so proud that he couldn’t sleep he wished he could get that dress to be the main character the Sugar Plum Fairy but he wasn’t he was a a he but they wasn’t he was a bon bons.
By Seren and Sunny
The village walk.
On Wednesday the 11th of December 2o24 we went on a village walk, which was very fun. We all enjoyed walking around the village we live in and for a few people who don’t live in theydon, it must have been cool looking around. My favourite part of the journey was when we went round a few places in theydon village that I don’t normally go round.We started at the school, went round the shops to the Tesco's then crossed to the green, walked to the duck pond but kept going to the end of the green. Then we walked to the Christmas tree were we got a picture with it then we went to the corner and arrived at the school.
Arlo Rottoveel and Emmeline Marrable
In Computing we have been learning how to record a podcast using Audicty.
Thea's Podcast
Ellis Podcast
Arlo's Podcast
Max's Podcast
Barney's Podcast
Louis L's Podcast
Izzy's Podcast
Forest school
On Tuesday year 4 classes do Forest school till the Christmas break. Last week there was lots of leaves so we did snow angles in the leaves.It was really fun although it got in our hair when I saw the angel picture I felt it was worth it. I was playing cops and robbers with my friends I was a robber but before I played cops and robbers I was making fire with George. The firers were so much fun to make this is how we made them first we got three sticks then put cotton wool then we used this scraping thing and it makes fire. I was building a den with Hudson and George. This week we made tiny candles this is how we made them. First we got pen and paper then we wrote our name and Forest school name on the paper ,then we get a bit of clay and it will be in a bool the we poke a hole through it not all the way through though, after that we put hot wax in it. When the wax cooled it hardened and there was some wax on the log I pick the wax up and it felt really satisfying.
George s and Emma
Harvesting, Cooking and Tasting
In the outdoor kitchen we made leek and potato soup. Everyone liked the leek and potato soup. We harvested the ingredients from the allotment.
The other soup was pumpkin. We peeled the pumpkin and it was tough some of us cut our fingers!
We cut up all the vegetables and cooked them and then tasted it.