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Theydon Bois Primary School

Piercing Class

Piercing Class 2023-2024

Year 3/4

Miss Williams



How to Help Your Children

Virtual Author Visit

Olympic Art Finished Tiles

Copped   Hall


On Thursday  we went to  Copped Hall it was 

Really fun. First we went to a room to put all the things down so we got to go outside and looked at the garden but we noticed that both sides of the garden are symmetrical and it was really cool.


Next we went back inside the room and we had breaktime and ran around a little garden.After we came in the room a guide took us around the rooms and the first room we went in was the entrance and it was decorated beautifully. 


 The next room that we went in was the servants' room where they stayed, and when a bell rang it had a word of the room under it, the bell was above the fireplace.After that room we got to look at the bedrooms and it was a little bit weird but the bed had three mattresses the bottom was made of horsehair the second one was made of cotton and the top one was made out of feathers.But it was really big.


After the bedrooms we went to the basements and the stables and the kitchen. The basements were dark and a bit scary. After the basement we went to the kitchen. It was really really cool there were different objects called a pestle and router and other ones.finally we got to go to the stables they were really cool.


Olympic Art Glazing

           Making Clay Tiles 



  • Clay                         
  • Glaze
  • As many paint brushes as colours of glazes
  • 6 rulers
  • A cutting tool
  • A piece of fabric
  • Table
  • Water
  • Rolling pin
  • A drawing stick




    Soak your piece of fabric in water and then lay it out on a table. After, put your clay on it. 


    Put three rulers on either side of the clay.


    Put one side of the rolling pin on one pile of rulers and the other side on the other pile. Roll your clay out like that and so you can  fit a 15 x 15cm square on it.


    Cut out a 15 x 15cm square.



    Use your drawing stick to draw your design onto your clay tile.


    Dry your tile by leaving it by a sunny window overnight.


    Put in a kiln overnight.


    Once out of the kiln, paint with glaze.


     Put in the kiln overnight again.




Garden Update

Science -Fair Test

Healthy Eating Day Rhubarb and Rosemary Scones

D -Day
The 80th anniversary of D-Day

D-Day is on the 6th of June and is to remember the people how lost their lives to keep us safe and have homes.D-Day was in the world war 2.England/USA and Scotland teamed up to defeat Germany and in the end they surrender because they new that the could not win the war.this was a very very bad incident and this was where, if we didn't win there would not be a country called France.


Meadow Group Poem

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Shared Reading with years 5&6

Initials in the sand like the Birdman ‘Why the Whales Came’

World Book Day and Reading on Library Bus

DT - Cooking Apple Tart


This week we have been learning how to identify the attributes needed to collect data about an object.

Mental Health Week February 2024

 On Monday 22nd January we went to the Ragged School. The teacher Mrs Perkins was very strict (but acting). At the end of the lesson she showed us some of the punishments from Victorian times. The Dunce hat, back straightener and the fidget stopper.


“Going to the Ragged School was an entertaining trip which offered lots of interesting information.” Amalka


”Going to the Ragged School was really fun and brilliant. I really want to go again.” George S


“It was really fun and scary,” Sophie


”It was okay but Mrs Perkins was strict and the seats were different. “ Emme


”It was scary and good. “ Olive

Thursday 9th January 2024 the year 3 and 4 classes went tree planting in the wild flower meadow. We planted rose bushes they kept on spiking me OUCH!

Our parents could help us.


What you need:

plants, spade, soil, gloves, wellies

1. Dig a hole in the soil

2. Put the tree plant in.

3. Stamp the hole to cover the roots.


“It was really good when we planted trees” Sophie S

 “Really good but my hands hurt!” Polly


Artwork inspired by our visit to St Paul’s

Odd Socks


Still image for this video

Our favourite tongue twisters

Still image for this video


Thank you for all the kind gifts  and donations for the food bank.

Information Writing about the British Museum

Visitor from Epping Forest District Museum

We had a visit from the lady from Epping Forest Museum to help us find out information for our topic on the Ancient Egyptians.

We looked inside a cardboard pyramid and had to work out if the egyptian things belonged to a man, woman, boy or girl. We looked at replicas of the things from ancient Egypt.

Different tables looked at different artifacts. The canopic jars were so good and realistic. You could open and close the canopic jars - luckily there was not anything inside!

In ancient Egypt there were still hair curlers and makeup tools. Another one of the tables had necklaces and jewelry. The necklace was made of clay and metal.

It was amazing.

George and George 


On Friday 22nd September Piercing class went to a tag- rugby tournament. We worked really hard. The A team came fifth in there group of twelve. 

We had some warm ups, then lunch and then we got to play some matches. It was really fun. We worked so hard as a team but the the other teams were great too.

Emme and Rose



Last Friday we went to the Tag-Rugby tournament. There were lots of schools competing. The ‘B’ team got to the bronze medal match but sadly lost in extra time. It was a tough match. The other two teams did good too. We all enjoyed our trip to Upper Clapton RFC, it was very exciting and no-one wanted to go home.

Iris and Daisy 

It was great fun and we learnt lots of new things. I learnt a new tactic, if two people are running towards you spin around them and it will be hard for them to tag you. I pretended to go one way but went the other and I scored a try. It was a very fun day.



At tag - rugby there were 26 teams in total. You need two tags on a belt to play, You can only tag someone who has the ball and you shout tag. They must then pass the ball backwards which is very hard. The best part of the day was playing the games and coming fourth.


Piercing Class September