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Theydon Bois Primary School

Pakes Class

Pakes Class 2023-2024

Year 2

Miss Barwell and Miss Capocci




How to Help Your Children

English - Frog Fact Finding

History - The Seaside 100 Years Ago

Fractions with counters and multi link.


We worked together to match job descriptions to what strengths are suited to those jobs. We thought about the jobs and what qualities a person need to have to be able to do the job well. We had to listen to everyone in our group because sometimes, we didn't agree!


We have been working very hard to improve our understanding of multiplication and division. We have used lots of different equipment to demonstrate different multiplication and division calculations.

In Computing with have been using Busy Things to create Christmas pictures.

In Computing we have been using different tools to create a picture in the style of Kandinsky.


we are learning to make careful choices when painting a digital picture


In maths, we have been using 'rekenreks' (counting frames with 20 beads) we practise addition, subtraction, comparison, number recognition and subitising.


Great Fire of London Workshop


We have used Tux paint, the shape, line and fill tool to create work like the artist Mondrian.

Autumn 2023 Newsletter


We can use a mouse and keyboard to create a picture and type our name


We can recognise technology in the IT suite

Ordering events from The Great Fire of London

Maths - Using Base 10 and Place Value Grids