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Theydon Bois Primary School

Pakes Class

Pakes Class 2024-2025

Year 2

Miss Barwell and Mrs MacGregor




How to Help Your Children


In art, we are preparing to make clay tiles. We have looked at a selection of different clay tiles, discussed what we liked and even had a go at creating different textures before we design them. One of our 'Big Ideas' in art is Creativity and we have been having so much fun being creative with our designs!



This term in PSHE we are learning about belonging in our communities. We designed inclusive playgrounds for children with a range of different needs. We discussed how it feels to be included and how we can make a few changes in our world to make sure different groups feel included in our community. We all had such good ideas and spoke so sensibly about the differences others have. 


We have had a very busy half term with lots of festive activities leading up to Christmas.  We have made Christmas decorations, sung in our school Carol Service and performed our play, The Bethlehem Builders. 


We wrote letters and walked to our local post box to post them. We were all very excited, waiting for them to be delivered by the postman!


We have been learning different methods to add and subtract.

We are learning to describe what makes a good photograph,we then added them to a PicCollage page

We are learning to use a digital device to take a photograph

The Gunpowder Plot

We have had a fantastic half term learning about the Gunpowder Plot and even had a visit from Guy Fawkes himself!

The Daily Mile

We really enjoy doing the daily mile around our trim trail.


We have been learning about have a digital 5 a day diet. We have learnt how we can connect, be active, get create, give to others and be mindful. We have been active using Information Technology using Supermovers.