Purlieu Class
Purlieu Class 23-24
Mr Giles
Year 5
Purlieu Class 2022/2023 - Archived
Miss Barwell, Mrs Daines and Mrs Khachy - Year 5
London Careers Festival
Purlieu spent Monday 3rd July with the rest of Year 5/6 at the London Careers Festival, Guildhall. The Festival was created so that pupils could explore a wide range of professions, trades and crafts showcased by many of the City of London Livery Companies. After a short journey on the underground, Purlieu were welomed at the Guildhall and introduced to a range of potential careers by representatives from the various Worshipful Companies of London (such as the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers) and took part in practical activities as well as collecting work related mementoes such as notebooks, pencils and headphones.
What was important to the Ancient Greeks?
What was important to the Ancient Greeks?
On June 6th Charlotte (from the Epping Forest District Museum) came to talk to Year 5/6 about the Ancient Greeks. Purlieu had a very informative hands on session using replica artefacts to answer the question “What was important to the Ancient Greeks?” The answer was determined through forensic examination of the replica artefacts. The class was divided into five groups: one group studied numismatics using replica Ancient Greek coins; another group studied a Metope, a Hydria and a Music Plaque; the third group studied Long Jump weights and a Discus; the fourth a statue of Hera, an oil lamp and a tiny horse figure while the final group looked at a Kylix, a Lekythos and an Ancient Greek bronze mirror. Each group very ably presented their findings to the class who were then able to determine that the Ancient Greeks were interested in Art, Music and Dancing, Parties and Having Fun, Sport and Fitness, Fashion and Beauty, the Gods and War and Power. Many thanks to Charlotte for giving us such a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the Ancient Greeks. It was very enjoyable and Purlieu learned a great deal.
Greek Myth Plays
As part of our Ancient Greek theme, this afternoon the class performed plays based on the Greek Myths they have learned in class. We were thoroughly entertained and are now looking forward to learning and performing more plays next week.
Fun with animals
We have had a very exciting afternoon. Mr Wilkinson found time to bring some of his amazing animals for us to get to know. There was a childs boa, a Royal (or Banana) python and a Burmese Python that weights approximately 40 kg. We also got to look at a Goliath tarantula and then we got to hold and pet Bear the ferret.
Thank you Arabella for organising this and thank you Mr Wilkinson for finding the time to give us this treat.
The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Life Cycles - Science
The children have enjoyed learning about life cycles of many plants and creatures. They have cared for their broad beans as they were germinating and growing and we hope that they continue to grow at home.
The Finished Masks
Maya Masks

Pancake races on the village green.
Mental Health Week: Austin's Butterfly
During Mental Health Week, Purlieu developed their understanding of Growth Mindset by drawing butterflies. This was not a simple art project, but one which developed the pupils ability to both critique each other's work and to use this positive criticism to develop and improve their own work. The photos show the six stages from initial drawing to final draft. The pupils worked in pairs and, after each draft and focusing on only one area each time, gave each other postitive, kind and specific feedback to help improve their work. The results of this peer feedback can be seen in the the photos of their drawings. Once all six versions were completed, the whole class enjoyed viewing everybody's excellent work.
Trip to the Science Museum

End of Autumn term - Christmas Jumper Day and Dinner day.
We had fun today and raised money for the school. The day started with a fun Celebration assembly followed by TaskMaster played in class. The winning team got to be Santa and give out the presents to the class. You all looked very festive in your jumpers. Happy Christmas everyone.
Design and Technology - We have had a very exciting time this half term creating fairground rides that are controlled by a computer programme via a 'Crumble'. This exciting piece of kit was loaned to us by a local secondary school. The childen had a lesson from a Secondary teacher and were then allowed to experiment and 'play' with the equipment.
We then investigated fairground rides and how they moved and tried to replicate this with the use of cardboard and a lot of tape! Lots of 'learning by doing' with this project together with developing problem solving skills and working effectively as a group.
The pictures you see are various stages of development and the finished items all worked. Purlieu are so proud that they are able to use computers and their design technology skills in this way.
Music - this term we have been studying the 'Mamba' by Leonard Bernstein. The drawn pictures show emotions felt when first hearing the music and the others show us trying to recreate the style of music as a group.

Primary Panathlon Multisports Champions