The School Day
Foundation and KS1 (infants): 8.45am to 12.00noon, 1.00pm to 3.20pm
KS2 (juniors: 8.45am to 12.15pm, 1.10pm to 3.20pm
Total time in a typical week = 32 hours and 5 minutes (32 hours and 55 minutes total time open)
All children have a 15 minute break each morning. KS1 have a 10 minute break in the afternoon.
Children should arrive between 8.40am - 8.45am and proceed straight to class. We ask that once parents have seen their infant into the playground, they leave as quickly as possible. Parents of juniors (KS2) are asked to say goodbye at the gate.
- Registration takes place at the beginning of each session. Children who arrive after registration has taken place must report to the school office and sign in the late book before joining their class. If parents collect a child before a session ends, they must report to the school office and complete the signing out book.
The end of the day
- Infant children stay with their teacher at the classroom door until they see their parents. Juniors go into the playground. If the parent is not in the playground, children are told to go back to their teacher until collected. Any children who remain uncollected are looked after in the medical room until someone arrives for them.
Road Safety and Parking
Orchard Drive is busy and dangerous for children. We do all we can to teach basic safety rules. We ask you to support us by continuing to train children to cross roads safely. We also ask that if you must come to school by car to observe the yellow lines and not park outside the school, on the kerb or near corners, or on grass verges. Many residents in the surrounding roads are affected by inconsiderate parking i.e. across the entrance to their drive. Please consider others when parking.