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Theydon Bois Primary School

Baldocks Class

Baldocks Class 2022/2023

Year 1/2

Mrs Creasey and Mrs Szwaba


Making Sound


We have been learning to experiment with sound using a computer. We drew our thought as we listened to Neptune by Gustav Holst


Seren - Rain, a rocket an astronaut, some thunder and waves

Toby - Thunder, splash, green water, lightning, waves and rain drops

Beau - Lightning purple sky, green and blue waves and the god of lightning

Harry - Nightime, thunder, lightning, raindrops, sand the sea

Jack G - Lightning and purple waves

Molly - A whale, blowing water with hearts in front of him

Arlo & Roman - We did thunder and lightning, colourful corel, big purple and blue waves, black clouds and purple sky

Issy - Person drowning, person getting eaten by a shark, person died, sad emoji, blue waves and thunder and lightning

Deedee - I did a sad person because her mum was floating in the water and shouting for help, there was waves on top of her

Anabel - a girl is trying to save the kitty cat, because he has fallen in the water. 

Elsie - I drew a picture of a person dying, I drew the tree because I felt they went through the forest, there was a bit where it was dark and a shark was coming near you. It felt like it was war because it felt like you want to shot arrows.

Matilda -  I done a trumpet and a piano becasue the paino part felt like it was inside the scary house. I drew mars and a ghost.

Polly - I drew a turtle and a shark, I drew a shark because it felt intense. I made a mistake so I drew thunder.

Olivia - Theres a whale on top spraying water, a dolphin jumping out of the sea. Lightning heading towards the dolphin and the whale, and there was purple because it was a dark zone, and I drew an octopus.

Amelia -  I drew a purple sun I drew a ghost and a scary piano. 

River - This is a squid and this is a zombie because the squid was going to eat it, but it found a deer, it could walk on land.


In Computing we have been learning to creating a rhythm and use Chrome music lab to created different pieces of music using  different patterns.

Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Creating a Rhythm

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Baldocks at the London Mini Marathon

In Computing we have been learning how music makes us feel. We listened to some the Planets music by Gustav Holst, we could use lots of descriptive words to describe how we felt. 
I liked Venus because it nearly made me go to sleep. Deedee

I liked Jupiter because it is playful and it made me want to dance. Toby and Thomas

I didn't like Venus because it made me sad and lonely. Toby
I like Jupiter because it made me feel like going to war. Jake
I liked Jupiter because it made me feel happy. Olivia
I liked Jupiter because it made me want to dance. Maxine 

Geography Field Skills

We used compasses to find north. Using this information as our starting point we followed positional language to travel in different directions. 

Identifying Micro-Habitats in our school grounds

We investigated under logs, between rocks and in leaf litter to find invertebrates. We found wood lice, centipedes, ants and beetles. 

Clay Tiles 


We have researched, designed and created our clay tiles. We found making them 3D, rolling the clay and cutting a square shape the most challenging. We really enjoyed the creative art involved and are very proud of our work. 

PE - tennis skills and fitness


We had a very energetic afternoon in the sunshine practising our tennis skills. We worked with a partner to hit the ball to each other and are beginning to have short rally’s. We also practised using our dominant and non dominant hand to pick up cones and moved from side to side to increase our reaction time. We played domes and dishes as part of a team which was fun. Next term is hitting and striking the ball with bats! 

Making equal groups

In English we have been adapting a known story. It has been fun and we are looking forward to writing our stories. 


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In Computing this  first spring term, we are learning how to program. We have to describe a series of instructions as a sequence, explain what happens when we change the order of instructions and  use logical reasoning to predict the outcome of a program.