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Theydon Bois Primary School

Woburn Class

Woburn Class 2023-2024

Year 5/6

Miss Lane



How to Help Your Children

Using watercolour to paint some D-Day paratrooper landscapes after learning about D-Day on the 80th anniversary.

Exploring light travelling in straight lines and investigating how shadows are formed.

Learning about counter balance and counter tension in gymnastics.

Bringing our favourite book characters to life for World Book Day!

A visit from Anna Federman to teach Year 5 and 6 about Chanukah!

Testing the strength on arch bridges in DT

Quidditch Photos from Warner brothers Studio Tour Trip

Trying on the ‘Theydon Bois Sorting Hat’ after writing poems about it.

The Hogwarts Sorting Hat

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We have read and analysed the poem about the Hogwarts Sorting Hat in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. In groups we worked on effective delivery of the poem, to engage the listener, focussing on: intonation, volume and movement.

DT: investigating beam strength for building bridges

Science: Air Resistance Experiment

In science, we have been learning about forces. We planned and carried out an experiment to investigate air resistance using paper spinners. We had to think carefully about the different variables deciding what was going to change and how to keep the other variables the same to make sure our results were fair. 

Science: investigating friction

We used force meters (Newton meters) to find out how different surfaces affected the amount of friction when pulling an object. 

Street Dance Workshop - learning to dance to Flowers by Miles Cyrus

Flowers - group 1

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Flowers - group 2

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Mo and Veronica spent the afternoon in Woburn Class where we identified what advantageous adaptations make pigeons excellent racers. 

Forest school: whittling, rope swing, making jewellery, building free standing dens.

A walk in the forest as part of our forest school sessions. We identified clues to show that wildlife had been in the part of the forest we were in, swung on the rope swing, tried out a den, identified trees using their leaves and seeds, had fun with our friends and explored shelf fungus growing on a tree.

Clay Miniature Anglo-Saxon Shields

After studying Anglo-Saxon shields, Woburn Class designed and sculpted their own miniature versions out of clay. Once dry, these will be fired in the kiln, then glazed, before being fired once again. Keep watch for the finished designs over the next few weeks!

Having fun in forest school working together to build a free standing den, using the rope swing and whittling a stick to include a sharp point.

Learning about place value and comparing numbers with the game ‘Crooked Millionaire’

Woburn and Coppice Team Games

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Enjoying the shade at the end of our first day in our new class! :)

Hopes for the Future Video

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PSHE - we spent some time thinking about what we were looking forward to about the coming school year and setting ourselves a target. Take a look at our video to find out.