Discover Theydon Bois
Welcome to Theydon Bois!
We hope that this map is going to help everyone who lives in and everyone who visits Theydon Bois to find all the important places and attractions.
The whole school community helped to choose and illustrate their favourite places in the village.
The Map Committee researched extra information to create this map for visitors and residents of Theydon Bois.
The pupils of Theydon Bois invite you to discover and uncover their village. The Map Committee researched extra information to create this map for visitors and residents.
Discover Theydon Bois
The numbers on the map below, match the descriptions on the other side of the map.
1. Theydon Bois Primary School was built in 1957. It is the most amazing school ever and everybody learns here. We always try our best to achieve our goals using NED - Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best.
2. The Green and the Avenue of Trees. The Green is a famous landmark in Theydon. Every year, the Theydon Bois Scout Group Donkey Derby takes place here. The pupils of TBPS also have pancake races here every Shrove Tuesday. The Avenue of Trees were originally planted in the 1830’s and many of the trees are still standing. A second avenue was planted parallel to the first in 2010 to make sure our famous avenue will survive.
3. The Pond. Lots of people like the pond. They like watching the ducks and feeding them - especially the ducklings. The Ducks like to be fed lettuce, rice, seeds, oats and sweetcorn.
4. The Play Area. The Play Area is such a fun place to get fresh air. It provides somewhere for the kids to play and for the grown-ups to sit down, chat, and get a well-needed rest.
5. The Telephone Exchange is next to the Green in Theydon Bois. It became part of Theydon School during World War II as evacuees were taught there. It was built in 1879.
6. Theydon Bois Cricket Club. All ages of people play cricket here. They practise and play matches. There’s a clubhouse where you can buy drinks, play games and watch TV. Next to the Cricket, there is a Scout Hut where the Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts meet. The Scout Hut is also used for the Village Preschool.
7. Theydon Bois Lawn Tennis Club has been in Theydon for 90 years and has players aged from 5 to 85! There are lots of different groups and it is fun.
8. Theydon Bois Baptist Church is opposite the Green. Apart from Church Services, there is a youth club and Theydon Bois Primary has special services there for Easter and Christmas.
9. The Old School is where Theydon Bois School used to be until the present school was built in 1957. You’ll find out more about the history of the school on the school website:
10. The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin. There has been a church in Theydon Bois since the 12th Century. St. Mary’s was built in the 19th Century and the architect was Sydney Smirke. Find a Children’s Church Trail here:
11. St. Mary’s Church Hall. Lots of things happen here such as soup lunches and exercise classes. In the car park is Amy’s Coffee Van with scrumptious coffee.
12. The Village Hall is at the centre of the village. The Parish Council has an office there and all sorts of things go on in the hall such as antiques, birthday parties, art, clubs, quizzes, food, and competitions. The Horticultural Show is held there every year. There is also a Preschool here where little children come to have fun and learn stuff.
13. The Queen Victoria is a very popular pub in the centre of Theydon Bois. Part of the building dates back to the 16th Century and it is a Grade II listed building.
14. The Bull dates back to the 17th Century and is one of the oldest buildings in Theydon Bois. It was originally called ‘The Tile House’ and later became the Bull.
15. The Shops. There are a lot of shops in Theydon Bois. There’s everything you need - a Tesco’s, butchers, bakers, pharmacy, newsagents, estate agents, restaurants, and lots more.
16. Theydon Bois Underground Station. Theydon Bois Station is on the Central Line. People can come from far and wide and residents can get to Epping or London from here. Various walks start here: The Theydon Bois country Walk ( and the Oak Trail (
The Earthwork is an amazing earthwork sculpture in a woodland-inspired by nature. It is five concentric mounds and can even be seen from the M11.
The Deer Sanctuary is on the old Birch Hall Estate. It was created in 1959 and looks after fallow deer. There are over 100 deer there that are looked after by conservators.
Theydon Bois Golf Club. The Golf Course was designed by James Braid in 1897. The Golf Club teach children at TBPS.
Theydon Plain is a very popular area of Epping Forest in Theydon Bois. There's lots of grass, trees and animals there. People like playing and taking dogs for a walk there.
Welcome to Theydon Bois!
We hope that this map is going to help everyone who lives in and everyone who visits Theydon Bois to find all the important places and attractions.
The whole school community helped to choose and illustrate their favourite places in the village.
The Map Committee researched extra information to create this map for visitors and residents of Theydon Bois.
Thank you to Butler & Stag for their kind sponsorship and for printing our map. Printed copies can be found at the school and around the village.
Published Summer 2024 by Mrs. Khachy and the Map Committee Theydon Bois Primary School